Multiplying one to hundreds of files In my early days of compositing, I usually work directly from the video container instead of processing it into image sequence. Bad idea. Yeah really bad idea. Why work with image sequence? For starter, image sequence allows one to directly know the amount of frames needed when working for […]
Where have all the party gone? Update: As of 6pm on the 7th of November 2014, I received only two colour sketch progress aka Rachael and Aina. Good job to you two and hope my feedback will be helpful in your final matte painting work. As for the others, please show your colour sketch this […]
Why erode alpha in Nuke? There are times when keying a scene, you just need some control over the edge of the alpha whether to expand or shrink it by few pixels. The following example is a classic example of using Erode after keying out the blue sky: There are three variation of the Erode […]
Looking for absolute crop in your final output? One can easily overlook this problem whenever you save out to EXR where it can retain the pixels information outside of your main composition. While there is an Autocrop function in Nuke write node, this absolute crop remove all pixels outside of the working area to ensure […]
Last updated: 28 October 2014 (Added comparison screenshots between low and high Virtual Texture Size) Note: Woops how forgetful of me. This guide is based on Mari v2.6 and running on Windows platform. Your settings might look different if you’re on older version of Mari. General Purpose Usage Tweak I’ve been using Mari for […]
Update – 12th November 2014: Added timelapse video which can be found at the bottom of the post or Youtube. Update – 2nd December 2014: Nuke 9 is officially out so students if you are reading this and have my Nuke script, feel free to explore the script! Intro Please This is my second guest […]
Denoise Footage for VFX work? Why not? As a basic rule of thumb, I often denoise footages as the noise can be a pain to deal with when it comes to keying and tracking. The GIF shows a sample from my current project and it is particularly noticeable in the darker area. Also while not […]
Biting some depth and formatting this post Regardless if you managed to composite a damn good shot in either Nuke or After Effects (or any compositing software), it will be real sad if the desire output got ruined due to poor choice of the final delivery file format for colour grading. This post will explore […]
Last updated: [last-modified] I’ve noticed that this guide can be more popular than my Nuke Tips so I’ll like to clarify that HyppTV and INTERNET is still working on my TL-WR841N router. I haven’t update my DD-WRT firmware since this guide was first published (which is still true as of the latest edit). Apology if […]