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category: Nuke


Nuke Tips – ShuffleCopy any channel to Alpha

Ok this is more of a demonstration of how ShuffleCopy works instead of a tip since I remember being so clueless to this operation when learning Nuke. If any of you uses Shake before, it is similar to the SwitchMatte node where any alpha will be swap into your chosen node. ShuffleCopy does more than […]


Nuke Tips – The B Pipeline

In Nuke, whenever you have any nodes that have A and B input, usually the operation will involve processing A over B. Therefore by disabling the node function, we allow input B to pass down through the pipeline operation as input A will be blocked from being processed by Nuke. By configuring B to keep […]

Nuke Tips – Using MarkerRemoval on Greenscreen or Any Backdrop

Nuke Tips – Using MarkerRemoval on Greenscreen or Any Backdrop

If you ever need a tool that quickly removes any marker from a greenscreen or any backdrop, the MarkerRemoval node is very handy. The drawback is the time consuming process the footage when removing the markers so make sure to render out your clean plate when done removing all the markers. A quick sample script […]


Nuke Tips – Rotating Images/BBOX by 90 degree

So you need to rotate an image by 90 degree. Time to use the Transform node rotate feature! Woops it doesn’t behave like Photoshop rotate canvas function. I remember being bump by this problem and realise the Reformat node is your weapon of choice in this scenario. Enable the Turn checkbox and change the type […]


Nuke Tips – Static Frame Node

Ever noticed Nuke slowdown when you have a large number of read nodes? The culprit is the thumbnail for the read nodes where Nuke updates at every frame. You can disabled it in the Node Graph tab in Preferences menu as shown in the screenshot above. Another way to improve Nuke responsiveness is to have […]


Nuke Tips – HueCorrect

Correcting specific colour with HueCorrect One of the best tool in Nuke is the HueCorrect. Use it to adjust the value of a particular hue (in this example, greenscreen). It is similar to Color Range in Photoshop where you can select a particular colour except HueCorrect have adjustment tools built into it to quickly adjust […]


Nuke Tips – Automatically Disabled Write Node Outside of Frame Range

Whenever I need to write out several scenes with different frame range… Nuke is not friendly in dealing such circumstances compared to After Effects render queue. Credit goes to Gabor L. Toth for this expression that will automatically disabled the write node outside of its frame range. frame < input.first_frame || frame > input.last_frame ? […]


Nuke Tips – Adjusting Viewer Gain and Gamma

See that slider up there? Nuke process everything in 32-bit floating point so there are times you can’t view all the information on the screen. This is where the built in gain/gamma adjustment in the Viewer comes in handy. Whenever you need to check if the colours are correct in really dark or bright area, […]


Stabilising Footage with CameraTracker in NukeX

Abusing 3D tracked data for stabilising purposes Sometimes it is fun when one uses a function differently than the actual intent of the tool which in this case is stabilising footage with CameraTracker. While I’m not going to run through a step by step on using CameraTracker in this post, I’ll laid out the general […]

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