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Rotate with Reformat in Nuke

Nuke Tips – Rotating Images/BBOX by 90 degree

Huey Yeng

Rotate with Reformat in Nuke

So you need to rotate an image by 90 degree. Time to use the Transform node rotate feature!

Woops it doesn’t behave like Photoshop rotate canvas function.

I remember being bump by this problem and realise the Reformat node is your weapon of choice in this scenario.

Enable the Turn checkbox and change the type to Scale if you need it to behave like in Photoshop.

Here’s the sample script that I use to create the image above.

set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 8.0 v5
push $cut_paste_input
Text2 {
 font_size_toolbar 250
 font_width_toolbar 100
 font_height_toolbar 100
 message "\n\nThis way up."
 box {100 480.9 1796 713}
 hidden_bbox {100 476.5 1796 727.5}
 transforms {{0 2}
 font_size_values {{0 250 1 250 2 250 3 250 4 250 5 250 6 250 7 250 8 250 9 250 10 250 11 250 12 250 14 250 15 250 16 250 17 250 18 250 19 250 20 250 21 250 22 250 23 250 13 250 24 250}
 cursor_position 7
 font {{ Calibri : Light : calibril.ttf : 0 }}
 font_size 250
 leading -0.5
 scale {1 1}
 cursor_initialised true
 autofit_bbox false
 initial_cursor_position {{100 727.5}
 group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"}
 animation_layers {{1 11 960 540 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0}
 name Text1
 selected true
 xpos -470
 ypos -775
ColorBars {
 inputs 0
 name ColorBars1
 selected true
 xpos -279
 ypos -871
Merge2 {
 inputs 2
 name Merge3
 selected true
 xpos -279
 ypos -775
set Nf07d210 [stack 0]
Reformat {
 type scale
 resize none
 turn true
 name Reformat1
 selected true
 xpos -279
 ypos -697
push $Nf07d210
Reformat {
 resize none
 turn true
 black_outside true
 name Reformat2
 selected true
 xpos -167
 ypos -698
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